Our Story

Knowing that many companies back in the US are facing skills-shortage issues and experiencing poor outsourcing we launched Cloud Employee.

Founder Message - Seb Hall

Hi there,

I'm Seb, co-founder of Cloud Employee and along with my brother Jake, started the journey with remote teams back in 2010.

Our initial business in e-commerce quickly highlighted a major challenge: hiring developers in the US and UK was tough. 

We started on freelancer sites which worked well for one-off tasks but wasn't ideal for finding full-time long-term employees. It often felt more like ‘freelancer roulette’ and the retention was poor.

What we did learn, having worked with various countries, was that the Philippines was our go-to.  

Natives spoke English fluently, it was culturally normal to work our time zone hours and it just clicked much easier than anywhere else we had tried. 

Wanting a more secure and stable set up than freelancer sites we moved to the Philippines to set up shop in 2013 and started hiring full-time employees. 

We knew lots of other businesses back in the UK and US were having the exact same pain points as us.

We had established legal entities, infrastructure, and built and trained support teams across recruitment, HR, finance, IT and were able to now offer this to other businesses via Cloud Employee. 

I am a big believer in the power of building for yourself first.

You then know your customer's pain points intimately as you are your customer. This has helped us keep on track as we iterate our programs.

10 years on and we employ over 300 people, have launched in Latin America and are mid building a Talent Intelligence OS for Cloud Employee to make hiring internationally easier and more predictable.

Email me on seb@cloudemployee.io if you would like to set up a call.


Seb Hall
Co-Founder & CEO

Who we are

We’re on a mission to empower businesses - from startups and SMEs to FTSE 100 companies - we enable access to the very best talent in the Philippines.

Our office is your office.


offices across the globe




clients served from 15 countries


weeks to build your engineer team


Database of IT Professionals